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The 15 finest Jake Gyllenhaal films, ranked

15. “Love & Different Medicine” (2010)

"Love And Other Drugs"

Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal in “Love & Different Medicine.”

Fox 2000 Footage

You need to watch this Gyllenhaal responsible pleasure.

On this rom-com (that at occasions can also be fairly dramatic), Gyllenhaal stars reverse Anne Hathaway. The pair ship nice performances: he performs Jamie, a smooth-talking, sex-crazed pharmaceutical rep; she performs Maggie, a lady with early levels of Parkinson’s illness.

Informal intercourse quickly results in the 2 truly falling for one another. However is Jamie in it for the lengthy street forward, as Maggie’s Parkinson’s will get worse?

That is the uncommon rom-com that has some deep relationship moments, and with the skills of Gyllenhaal and Hathaway, it really works.

Originally posted 2023-04-29 13:33:00.